Saturday: Self Reflection ✌



For as long as I can recall I have been a very expressive person. Unable to shield how I feel and hide my true feelings was both a blessing and a curse, that seemingly got me into many sticky situations as I was growing up.

As I have aged and grown the wiser, learned and evolved, I have realized that peace is a much happier and healthier place to be. Although a huge process, a large part of cultivating that peace has been looking inward, tapping into my roots, my core and writing my ebbs and flows through means of words and language.  Tying sentences and stringing them together to develop a sense of how I was feeling in that very moment, leaving me with a feeling, not just a memory, but an actual sensation of that moment in time was something that I found to be very helpful in my process of my personal journey to healing.

One of my greatest grievances with having cancer has been staying sharp with my Britt wit, but falling short in the memory department.  Although I have not been the most consistent with blogging, I have pages upon pages of writings from the past three years that have preceded me through some of my highest highs and lowest lows.

In a recent study performed by Duke University, they found that writing, particularly personal narratives after traumatic events helps to reshape your life, make sense of it, and ultimately lead to improved behavioral changes as well as additive benefits to your health.

Engaging and investing in your own story, understanding your fears, dreams and the world around you, while being able to express it in any medium is the most liberating form of art and happiness any one could ask for.  This being a personal testament of my very own through my experiences of my disease and writing, amongst other opportunities.

My point is, at the end of the day you chose your own narrative, you can chose to edit, delete and add pieces to your story at any point but the most important thing is to constantly self reflect.  It is both a humbling process and essential to becoming your higher and better self.

Peace and love my friends and happy weekend!

Do what you love and stay true.


Britt x

3 thoughts on “Saturday: Self Reflection ✌

  1. Beautifully written. I stumbled upon your blog because I’ve also created a blog for my heartache and trial called My Beating Heart. I was googling my own blog to see what came up, and found yours 🙂 Although my trial is different than yours (I recently lost my baby boy to SIDS), I appreciate so much what you have to say about using writing to make sense out of life. Immediately after my loss, I went to journaling and writing out my thoughts and feelings. I am by no means the best writer, but it was just what I needed at the time and something I felt compelled to do…it feels so much better to let it all out! Whether I actually publish my blog or not, it still feels good to put my words out there. Thanks for sharing all of your thoughts!


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